N3TC Update #Lockdown
posted Wednesday 10 June 2020
Khanyisile delivers hope in times of hardship
Khanyisile delivers hope in times of hardship
Amongst the hills and dales of Van Reenen and the Sand River Valley, near the KwaZulu-Natal and Free State border, the Khanyisile Community Trust turns looks of despair into rays of hope.
In this deep rural area, Ansie Jooste, a paramedic by training, and her Khanyisile Trust have been providing essential care to children and their families throughout the national Covid-19 lockdown.
Ansie knows the area and the people who live here very well. For more than a decade, she has been focused on addressing the health, welfare, development, education and school infrastructure needs of this community. “With the advent of the national lockdown, and the closure of schools, we became painfully aware of just how marginalised our rural communities are, and how desperate the need for support is,” explains Ansie.
Never one to back down from a challenge, Ansie and her Khanyisile partners ramped up their efforts to bring relief to the people of the Sand River Valley. For days on end, she was spotted dashing along farm roads and dirt tracks delivering basic healthcare, food and emotional support.
“These are our champions. The true heroes of our South African society,” says Con Roux of N3 Toll Concession. “We are honoured to partner with people and projects of this calibre. They are the ones who make real and tangible differences on a daily basis.”
N3TC Update #Lockdown
posted Thursday 28 May 2020
Touching Lives
Touching Lives
Near the N3 Toll Route in Grootvlei, Mpumalanga a very special home houses more than 80 mentally and physically disabled people. For many, the Sunfield Home Fortuna is their only place of safety, the centre of their universe, and their only family.
N3TC is honoured to have a longstanding partnership with Sunfield Fortuna.
“Their road has never been an easy one, and with the national lockdown this year, it suddenly became a very steep and rocky mountain. However, thanks to people and organisations that care, new partnerships were quickly formed, and the residents of Sunfield Home are once again feeling a little more secure,” says Con Roux of N3 Toll Concession.
“N3TC’s Touching Lives programme is based on community collaboration. Thanks to Afgri for taking our hands to make life better in the communities adjacent to the N3 Toll Route.”
N3TC Update #Lockdown
posted Monday 25 May 2020
Back to basics
Back to basics
Collaborative efforts bring hope in times of hardship
Right from the start of the national lockdown to slow down the spread of the Coronavirus in South Africa, it was abundantly clear that N3 Toll Concession (N3TC) would need to adjust its socio-economic investment strategies to address the most basic needs in some of the most vulnerable communities along the N3 Toll Route.
“The socio-economic impact of the Covid-19 pandemic would cut deep into the fabric of our society, and as an organisation with strong links to our local communities, we realised it was now essential to reach out, and reallocate existing project funding, to help our country address the desperate need for basic food products, hygiene and medical supplies,” explains N3TC’s commercial manager, Con Roux.
“As schools were closed, many children could no longer receive the daily meals provided through a variety of food schemes; and as the country’s economy ground to a halt, many people lost the little income they had. As a result of transport restrictions, it also became increasingly difficult for many rural community members to access main business centres in order to stock up on essential items.”
Through N3TC’s longstanding Touching Lives programme, the company is fortunate to have well-established partnerships with various community organisations and initiatives between Cedara in KwaZulu-Natal and Heidelberg in Gauteng.
“The only way to get through tough times is to stand together and to make adjustments in order to persevere. Through the collaborative efforts of various groups and individuals, N3TC has been able to reach thousands in a very short space of time,” explains Roux.
Within days of the Level 5 lockdown, our partners in early childhood development (ECD), education, conservation, agriculture, trucking, healthcare, enforcement and emergency response agreed to take hands, and not to let go.
For example, in Sweetwaters in the Hilton district, ECD mentors of the iThemba Project changed tack and reached out to their community by helping to provide nutrition support, to facilitate the establishment of permaculture gardens at individual households, and to sew protective face masks for the community.
Conservationists from the KwaZulu-Natal Crane Foundation, farmers and residents from Nottingham Road began delivering food to at least 800 people per week between Lion’s River and Bruntville in KwaZulu-Natal, and even providing education support to learners who now had to do their school work in isolation at home.
Around the Van Reenen and the Sand River area, N3TC partnered with the Khanyisile Trust to care for more than 200 families, and to provide much needed basic emergency medical care in this vast rural area. In Harrismith, N3TC extended its partnership with Free State Care in Action to provide food parcels and basic care products to vulnerable children and their families. The Topsy Foundation and N3TC took hands in Mpumalanga to mount a relief operation, providing fortified nutritional parcels and basic care items to vulnerable communities in this region; as well as essential care services to the Sunfield Fortuna Home for the Disabled near Grootvlei.
Various other initiatives, including trucking wellness and community healthcare services continue to be partnered by N3TC.
“We live in extraordinary times, requiring resilience and adaptability from each one of us. This is no time for bells and whistles, but rather an opportunity to pull closer; and to collectively do what we can, with what we have, wherever we are,” ends Roux.
All photos by Midlands photographer, Nikki Brighton
N3TC Update #21DayLockdown
posted Thursday 9 April 2020
Quiet roads this Easter Weekend.
Quiet roads this Easter Weekend.
Time to dream about your future travels.
Time to dream about your future travels.

Peak traffic conditions on the N3 Toll Route over the Easter long weekend have always been the norm. For as long as we can remember, this weekend has been one of the busiest travel periods in our region, with all the stops pulled out to ensure that traffic keeps flowing and the route remains safe to thousands of travellers.
Not this year.
With South Africa under lockdown, and only authorised vehicles being allowed to travel the N3 Toll Route as per the current COVID-19 regulations, traffic conditions will be very different.
However, staff of N3 Toll Concession (N3TC), the company managing the N3 Route between Cedara in KwaZulu-Natal and Heidelberg in Gauteng, will still be out there to perform their duties in the interest of all frontline and essential service providers having to make use of the N3 to keep our country moving and safe.
While our ordinary way of life has, for now, been suspended, we know that someday soon, we will have the opportunity to travel again, to meet up with our loved ones and friends, to enjoy their companionship and the freedom to explore.
Wherever you are, whether you are on the frontline or staying at home, N3TC thanks you for doing your part to keep our nation safe.
Let us know how you are spending your time this Easter weekend, and what are your plans for when you can take a road trip again; which favourite places would you like to visit and people you are looking forward to see.

Take a virtual tour
In the meantime, we warmly invite you to take a virtual trip with N3 Radio or N3 Gateway. Download N3 Radio free from your app store and immerse yourself in beautifully narrated stories from our region, or discover authentic travel experiences on www.n3gateway.co.za.
Specifically designed for the lockdown period, enjoy #21days21stories on Twitter: @N3RadioApp or @N3Gateway.
You can also follow N3TC on Twitter, @N3Route, for regular traffic and route updates.
May you enjoy a blessed Easter weekend.
Until we meet again, stay well.
The N3TC Team
Photo credits:
Row 1, left to right: Stephen Pryke, Dave Mullin, Desdot photography, Stephen Pryke
Row 2, left to right: Francois van Jaarsveld, Dave Mullin, Amanda van Blerk, Leon Heyes
N3TC Update #21DayLockdown
posted Friday 3 April 2020
Thank you to the helpers
In his lifetime, Fred Rogers, an American writer and television producer, shared a piece of wisdom from his mother. When he was a boy and whenever tragedy struck or world news would scare him, his mother comforted him with these words: “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.”
It is this simple piece of wisdom that currently gives solace in an unknown world. And it is these helpers that the staff of N3 Toll Concession (N3TC) sees in action daily on the N3 Toll Route, and amongst the communities who reside between Cedara and KwaZulu-Natal and Heidelberg in Gauteng.
“While the world has slowed down, and uncertainty about our tomorrows looms large, N3TC would like to acknowledge the exceptional work that is being done by so many frontline individuals to look after the health and well-being of our nation, and to keep us safe,” says commercial manager, Con Roux.
“Thank you to all healthcare workers, emergency services, paramedics, police, law enforcement officers, truckers, doctors, pharmacists, food stores, till operators, bank tellers, security services, and many others who are keeping our nation going during this time. As the company who manages the N3 Toll Route, a strategic transport link between South Africa’s inland provinces and the Port of Durban, N3TC also appreciates the hard work and commitment of our staff and service providers who are assisting us to keep the N3 operational and safe for all its users.”
For route updates or roadside assistance on the N3 Toll Route, contact N3TC’s 24-hour helpline: 0800 63 4357.
Essential support services are available here:
SA Coronavirus Updates, Regulations and Guidelines: www.sacoronavirus.co.za
Coronavirus Hotline: 0800 029 999
Coronavirus WhatsApp: 060 012 3456
Support for SMMEs in Distress: 0860 663 7867
National Crisis Line: 0861 322 322
Be safe, South Africa. Stay well.
N3TC Update #21DayLockdown
posted Monday 30 March 2020
30 March 2020
As South Africans are settling into the national lockdown, it abundantly clear that the most effective way to contain the spread of the coronavirus is to remain at home and to physically distance yourself from as many people as possible.
Stringent travel restrictions are in place to keep our nation at home.
Only frontline operators, including health, safety, law enforcement, emergency services providers and transporters of essential goods are allowed to travel during the lockdown period.
Anyone travelling during this time will be required to carry personal identification and an official permit clearly authorising them to travel. No movement of people is allowed between South Africa’s provinces, districts or cross border, except for the delivery of essential services.
The SA Police Service (SAPS) supported by Traffic Law Enforcement and the National Defence Force are enforcing lockdown regulations. Various road blocks and check points will be in place throughout the lockdown period.
SA Coronavirus Updates, Regulations and Guidelines: www.sacoronavirus.co.za
Coronavirus Hotline: 0800 029 999
Coronavirus WhatsApp: 060 012 3456
Support for SMMEs in Distress: 0860 663 7867
National Crisis Line: 0861 322 322
N3TC wishes to sincerely thank everyone who is making a sacrifice, big or small, to give our nation the best chance to overcome this debilitating threat to our country. Whether you are doing your bit by staying home, or if you are at the frontline offering emergency support and delivering essential goods and services, we salute you.
Thank you for playing your part. When South Africans come together, as we are doing now, we are unstoppable. Be safe. Stay well.
N3TC Travel Alert #21DayLockdown
posted Thursday 26 March 2020
26 March - 16 April 2020
During the period of lockdown, persons are confined to their place of residence. The ONLY exceptions are persons authorised to travel in terms of the Regulations issued under the Disaster Management Act. The travel ban is to help prevent the spread of the #Coronavirus
N3TC wishes all our citizens well in the weeks ahead.