Your health is important to us

Since the President of South Africa, Mr. Cyril Ramaphosa, declared a National State Disaster in March, all our people, businesses and institutions have been uniting around the country to help stop the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19).
The World Health Organisation confirmed that the coronavirus, which is highly contagious and transmits rapidly from one human being to the next, is a global pandemic.
In an attempt to safeguard N3 Toll Concession’s (N3TC’s) employees and customers, the toll concessionaire and its service providers have instituted various additional measures to ensure heightened hygiene and sanitisation steps are implemented at all its operations, including toll plazas, and amongst its route maintenance and route patrol service teams; and to limit the risk of exposure and transmission during every interaction.
N3TC manages the N3 Toll Route, a strategic transport corridor between Cedara in KwaZulu-Natal and Heidelberg in Gauteng linking South Africa’s inland provinces to the Durban Port.
We call on all road users to assist us to limit physical interaction and to strictly follow all precautionary measures when traveling:
- Wash hands regularly with soap and warm water and/or use hand sanitizers.
- Avoid touching your face, eyes, nose and mouth.
- Implement social distancing. Limit physical interaction in groups or in public spaces.
- Maintain at least a 1 metre distance between yourself and anyone else if you are in a public space, and increase the distance when you or another person is coughing or sneezing.
- If applicable, cover your mouth and nose with a protective mask.
- Self-isolate and stay at home if you are feeling unwell or are presenting with cold or flu symptoms, are coughing or experience difficulty breathing.
- Ensure that your hands are sanitised before and after each money transaction, particularly when performing manual transactions (with cash or bank cards) at all our toll plazas. Droplets of saliva can easily settle on bank notes and coins, cards and other devices.
- Viruses can last up to 24 hours on objects and the only effective way to get rid of them is to wash hands and sanitise devices and/or objects.
- Keep up to date with the latest COVID-19 outbreaks and hot spots and avoid traveling to places that are at risk, particularly if your health and immunity is already compromised.
- Heed ALL calls and emergency measures implemented by our government to protect our nation.
These are extraordinary times. United we will overcome.
For more information, join the National Department of Health Coronavirus hotline on Whatsapp: 060 012 3456. Save the number on your phone and send a whatsapp message to the number to activate this information service.
Alternatively, contact the National Institute of Communicable Diseases (NICD) on the 24-hour tollfree hotline number: 0800 029 999 or visit the NICD website: or The latest news updates can be obtained from Twitter: @HealthZA
South Africa, N3TC stands with you.